Saturday, May 31, 2008

First time Unies referenced.

PC jockeys need to simmer down about adoration for breasts.

Dear Phil,
I always read the Gamecock and enjoy its sometimes sarcastic, very controversial columns. I often read yours, and thought that you were a very talented writer with good ideas before today. The article you wrote about WOST classes makes me sick. I'm sure that you're going to be getting many e-mails from very angry females, so I won't berate you on your ignorance, crudeness and stupidity. You were trying to get a reaction, and you got it. The talented writers of today who want their writings to get attentin do not get it be belittling females and their studies. Maybe you should grow up and use your writing "talent" for something that's worth reading. As a whole, I'm disappointed with The Gamecock staff for even printing such a lame article written by a horny boy trying to get a reaction from his readers. You make me sick, and I will never read your articles again, and I'm extemely disappointed with the entire Gamecock staff.
(I won't include this your lady's name for her privacy)
First-year student, Moore School of Business.
That's an e-mail I received about my last column, in which I declared an undying adoration for the boobies. I got a lot of response about that column - some good, some bad.
I try to compliment women on something, and they get as mad and bitter as a Clemson fan at the Humanitarian Bowl. Just look at the other column on this page. It's from a women's studies professor who calls me a "boy" and thinks I'm as sexist as Sir Mix-A-Lot.
Even one of my good friends told me I wasn't PC enough in my column. "Don't be sexist. Broads hate that," he said to me. (Don't hate me for that; I'm just the messenger.)
My anonymous WOST informant, whose code name is "Jugs," told me about how my breast column was bashed in her class. This double agent I've got working on my side said her fellow students knew someone in the class had revealed the secrets of the WOST breastfondoling assignment to the chauvinist scoundrel Phil Watson. My informant listened to the conversation and hear her fellow sudents spitting out vile lies about the origins of my last column. Rumors spread like wildfire. Some of the angry women's studiers said I wrote the column two weeks before it went to press. Jugs, knowing the rumors were untrue, played it cool like 007 and didn't correct the angry feminists. That could have blown her cover.
It sure is easy to offen people in the Unies (evidently, that's what some people are calling this decade - there you go, Ryan). Unless you're making fun of white males, everybody gets mad at you.
But I don't bash people in my columns, with one notable exception earlier in this semester. When I wrote my breast column, I wasn't trying to bash WOST. But people these days are overly sensitive about in a joking manner, even if it's not a direct insult to the sensitive issue, they go nuts and release the hounds on you.
My breast column didn't offend everybody. I think I have the silent majority on my side. Many people, male and female, told me they liked the column. So take that, you humorless, breast-lover hating, overly sensitive PC jockeys. Someone needs to give you all a sense of humor for Christmas. Or maybe baking some cookies or playing with you breast and writing a detailed journal about it will put you in the Christmas spirit.


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