Thursday, April 9, 2009

Social Media Sites Fail to Name Decade

Recently, I've tried taking the Unies and Decies to social media sites like Digg, YouTube, and Metacafe without success. Again there is only a small portion of society who gets the concept and understands the need for this term. There is even a smaller segment of society who will comprehend this idea and also have an influence in media or news. The problem of naming the decade is not going to be solved by a grassroots effort.

So what is the problem with society? Are we collectively becoming an ADD society without substance? It might seem so. We have 1000s of images, ideas, emails, advertising, billboards, and other new technology vying for our attention. This ADD society is unintelligent. We are not becoming smarter, we are more aware of our society but it is a shallow perspective. Not an intellectual perspective.

This problem originated 10 years ago when I came upon this missing word for the then approaching decade. Now, we are 10 years through the decade and at its finale without any resolution to this idea. Plus, we have the same exact problem we did 10 years ago with the next decade the Decies.

My efforts to name each decade will not be spoiled. I understand that there is no money to be had in this resolution. It merely is a public relations adventure of a lifetime. Currently, we are in the process of bringing my life to the independent film circuit through festivals and private viewings. This story will be told!



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