Saturday, May 2, 2009

What does Y2K mean?

On September 18, 1998, I walked around the University of South Carolina campus asking students, "What does Y2K mean? We get many different answers to the question and each answer illustrates that people just didn't know.

So here we are in 2009 and we just don't know what to call this decade, 00s. So why is media, news stations waiting for the people to name the decade? People are not going to know how to pronounce 00s or 10s.

Let's jump on the bandwagon and name the decades, the Unies and Decies. We can't just sit around and let the people name the decade. It is even taught that newspapers have to write to a 6th grade education. With this said, we shouldn't wait for the world to think of some ridiculous answer. Check out the Suggestions for the Decade Name.

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